Jeremiah D. Moorer, DVM, Diplomate ACVS
We bring specialty veterinary surgeries to your practice in and around Denver, CO.

Trek Veterinary Surgery travels throughout Denver, Castle Rock, Colorado Springs, and beyond to bring TPLO, orthopedic, soft tissue, and minimally invasive surgeries to veterinary practices.

Orthopedic Surgeries
Cranial Cruciate Ligament Rupture|Medial Patellar Luxation (MPL)|Hip Dysplasia|Elbow Dysplasia|Shoulder Disorders|Fracture Repair
Soft Tissue Surgeries
Abdominal Surgery|Upper Airway Surgery|Surgical Oncology|Head and Neck Procedures|Minimally Invasive Surgery|Laparoscopy|Arthroscopy
FAQs for Pet Parents
What is the cranial cruciate ligament?
The cranial cruciate ligament is an important stabilizer within the knee joint (stifle) of dogs and cats. It is analogous to the human anterior cruciate ligament (ACL). You will sometimes hear these terms interchanged when referring to dogs.
Another important stabilizer in the stifle is the menisci. These also function as “shock-absorbers” in the stifle and are often torn or damaged at the time of the cruciate ligament tear.
What is a TPLO?
Tibial Plateau Leveling Osteotomy (TPLO) is an osteotomy-based, geometry modifying procedure designed to decrease the slope of the tibial plateau to eliminate the instability (cranial tibial thrust or caudal femoral subluxation) associated with the cranial cruciate ligament tear. This is done by making a semi-circular cut in the proximal (near the knee) aspect of the tibia. After this cut is made, the proximal portion is rotated a specific amount to decrease the tibial plateau angle (TPA) to reach 0-6 degrees of slope. Often, the pre-operative slope is between 22-30 degrees. Once the rotation is performed, a plate and screws are placed on the tibia to stabilize the bone and allow it to heal.
What surgery will be recommended for my dog?
The first decision that must be made is whether surgery is the best treatment for your pet. The vast majority of dogs require surgical stabilization of the stifle to achieve the best outcome. However, surgery may not be recommended if your pet has other significant comorbidities that preclude surgery or anesthesia. Or, if you and your veterinarian decide to pursue other avenues of treatment. But, as stated before, surgery is most often recommended to give the best long-term outcome.
Every patient is unique, and your veterinarian/surgeon will determine the best procedure for your pet. The Tibial Plateau Leveling Osteotomy (TPLO) has been shown to have the best — and most consistent — outcome of all of the described procedures for cruciate ligament tears in dogs.
Can cats rupture their cranial cruciate ligament?
Cats can rupture their cruciate ligament, but much less commonly than dogs. Many times cats do not require surgery and can be treated with rest and pain medications. Exceptions to this are cats that do not improve with six weeks of rest and pain medications (as needed) or cats that have a concurrent meniscal injury.
About Dr. Moorer